How we select people who inspire and transform

It is our Procurement team that analyzes the companies registered, selects each supplier and conducts the negotiations. We have a structured management and qualification process for our suppliers so that, together, we can offer the best fruits of our labor to the community, with continuous improvement in products, services and relationships. By the way, we consider relationships very important, after all, companies are made of people. People who inspire and transform!

Which is?

Coupa is a relationship and interaction management tool between Suzano and its suppliers. It is a cloud technology, that is, 100% digital and accessible through the internet. Our purchasing processes will be done using this tool and we chose it because it is efficient, easy to use and because it centralizes all information. We want to facilitate the daily lives of people who inspire and transform.

Learn more about the platform

Which is?

Coupa is a relationship and interaction management tool between Suzano and its suppliers. It is a cloud technology, that is, 100% digital and accessible through the internet. Our purchasing processes will be done using this tool and we chose it because it is efficient, easy to use and because it centralizes all information. We want to facilitate the daily lives of people who inspire and transform.


to those involved in the processes

Swipe to see the steps


to those involved in the processes

Click on each step to learn more

Fewer email exchanges

The supplier accepts or declines invitations from competitive processes directly in Coupa.

Simplified consultation of shared documents

The history of documentation and information shared by the Procurement team through Coupa is saved and accessible.

Real-time communication

During each quotation event, there will be a chat available for direct communication between the supplier and the Procurement team.

Secure access

We really like this step, because it means we have found a supplier that offers quality products and services, competitive prices and principles aligned with our own. Contracting undergoes internal approval processes and the winner of the process is notified of the contracting formalization, so that we are able to start our partnership!

Benefits of Coupa


  • Process traceability
  • Failure prevention
  • Assertiveness in decision making
  • Equal and fair hiring

Productivity and digital transformation

  • Integrated systems Centralization of procedural controls
  • Knowledge management
  • Digitization of competition processes

Experience and Integration

  • User-friendly and intuitive tool
  • More convenience in communication
  • Transparency and visibility in processes
  • Better relationship management

Auction types

Watch the videos below to understand how each type of auction available in COUPA works and be prepared to participate in these events if invited.

Check out the latest news about Coupa

These are the main news about the SupriConecta project and the use of the Coupa tool by Suzano and our suppliers.



Suzano partners with Coupa to implement a digital tool in the Procurement area

Read more


"A experiência da Fibral com o portal Coupa foi altamente satisfatória. Os resultados apresentados nos auxiliaram em melhoras significativas nos quesitos rastreabilidade e controle junto à cadeia de suprimentos da Suzano, trazendo mais agilidade e eficiência. Com certeza, uma ferramenta que agregou a nós como fornecedores de longa data do grupo Suzano."

Cleber João Palaoro

Fibral - Gerente de Projetos

"Foi muito importante como parceiro e fornecedor ver que a Suzano está permanentemente no passo da inovação. Nossa experiência com esta nova plataforma foi excelente contando com todo o suporte recebido do início ao fim do processo."

Luiz Mateus

Diretor Intercores Comercio e Representações Ltda - Representante AkzoNobel

"O portal Coupa, conta com ferramentas na plataforma que são intuitivas, práticas e de fácil Acesso; facilitando com que possamos participar das licitações, apresentando propostas técnicas e comerciais em abas separadas, atendendo assim, as determinações do cliente."

Mariana Castro

Diretora Comercial - Kaldermec

Important Documents

To use Coupa with Suzano, it is important that you download the documents below and read them carefully. If there is any question, please contact the buyer responsible for your process.

Documents below will open in your browser.