Large companies cause large impacts on society, which is why their internal processes must occur in the best way possible. The Integrated Supplier Development & Qualification Program (Prodfor) represents the alliance of various companies in the state of Espírito Santo, which are called sponsors and work to promote development and qualification of suppliers of goods and services. Suzano is one of the program’s sponsors, which provides support not only to its own suppliers, but also to those working for other organizations. Actions are carried out with a variety of goals, such as developing local suppliers, fostering technical qualification and sharing best management practices with the program’s organizations. Sponsors analyze and approve the registrations of suppliers that wish to participate in the Program, and these suppliers commit to all steps of the project. The program is supported by the Espírito Santo State Manufacturers’ Federation (Findes), with executive coordination of the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL-ES).
Prodfor has delivered positive results for participating suppliers since it was established in 1997, such as the company’s expansion, revenue growth and lower operating costs. Backed by guidance from sponsors, the suppliers are able to improve and modernize their organizations by adopting international management standards; reduce the efforts and costs of implementing management systems; and learning about tools for operating in new markets.
The supplier may be certified in eight Management Systems: Environmental (SGA); Financial, Tax & Labor (SGFFT); Supply Quality (SGQF); Occupational Health & Safety (SGSS); Compliance (SGC); Innovation (SGIN), Energy Efficiency (SGEE) and Operational Efficiency (lean culture) (SGEO). The Executive Committee’s decision with regard to the certification is based on the audit results. The certificate is digital, valid for three years and, for companies already certified, audits are conducted annually for maintenance of the company’s certification. More information can be found on the Prodfor website or by calling to the Program’s Office (27 3334-5753)
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